Climbing mountain, experience the view from Eiffel tower, enjoying the experience of scuba diving and getting the adventure of roller coaster....all from your living room. VR and AR technologies allow us to see and experience the world without even visiting there. It may be pros that without spending money and time we can enjoy incredible experience. But there are some cons as well which are related to the privacy. AR and VR prone to data theft of the user. It may also hampers interaction with real world. Both technologies are rare and prohibitively costly.

Weighing the Pros and Cons of AR & VR Technology


Climbing mountain, experience the view from Eiffel tower, enjoying the experience of scuba diving and getting the adventure of roller coaster....all from your living room. VR and AR technologies allow us to see and experience the world without even visiting there. It may be pros that without spending money and time we can enjoy incredible experience. But there are some cons as well which are related to the privacy. AR and VR prone to data theft of the user. It may also hampers interaction with real world. Both technologies are rare and prohibitively costly.

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